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Cell Linking Within Same Sheet

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello - I'm trying to put a summary line at the top of my sheet showing the latest date on the critical path, so that i can view it even when all the sections are collapsed.


Is there a way for me, in line 1, to link a cell next to the label "Current Planned Delivery Date" to the cell that holds this data (column=Finish Date", row=102)?


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    =[Finish Date]102


    Make sure the cell with the formula is Date column.

    If it isn't, force it to be text:


    =[Finish Date]102 + ""


    Hope this helps.






  • MarkBaker
    edited 12/14/16

    Hello Craig - Thanks very much for the reply; I believe I've done as you suggested but am not getting the results I seek. I've attached a screenshot of the section I'm looking at, the only difference here is that the name of the column I am trying to link from is "Finish" (not "Finish Date"), and the row at the bottom of the sheet, nont the top - don't know if this makes a difference).

    cell linking 1.jpg

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    If you have Dependencies enabled, you can not have a formula in the  [Finish] column if that is one of the two date columns in the Project Settings.

    Create a new [InfoDate] column and try the formula there.


    Sorry, I should have mentioned that.



  • Thanks again Craig - made the changes but still no cigar. I've created the new column (SumDate), formatted it as a date column, and moved the formula there. Still just showing the contents of the cell (screenshot attached).


    cell linking 1.jpg

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    That's odd.


    When you first type the "=" sign into the cell, does the cell highlight in any way?

    For a normal sized row, the black border should 'expand' a bit when you type the equals sign.

    Next, mouse click on the cell to the left in the same row, that cell should have a dotted line around it and look like it is moving. The formula should auto-populate (Finish177 in your sheet).

    Does it do that?


    If you type =[Finish]102, it should change to =Finish102 because the column name does not have a space or end in a number. But that should not break it.


    If you click on the formula does it look like this:








    If the first, remove the single quote.


    If that still does not work, if you can, you can share it to me: 





  • Hello Craig - Bingo! I wasn't entering the "=" and then mouse-selecting the target, I was typing the entire formula in. Once I used the mouse-select method it worked like a charm. Thanks very much for getting this sorted for me!

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Odd that you could not type it in, but ... glad it works.

    You are welcome.


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