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Export from Tableau into SmartSheet


Hi all,


I am aware of an ODBC connection that allows us to display SmartSheet data in Tableau dashboards. Is anyone aware of a way to export data from Tableau automatically into SmartSheet? (i.e. - the reverse flow of information to the existing SmartSheet-Tableau interface). Perhaps someone else in GE has developed something using SmartSheet's API for this purpose?


We have a requirement where we'd like our SmartSheet users to enter information based on a set of data extracts currently displayed in Tableau. We could extract the data from Tableau one time, but the data changes daily. We would like to keep a consistent refresh of data for the SmartSheet users to reference. 


I am curious if anyone else has attempted something similar. We spoke to the SmartSheet consulting folks, and they said they don't have anything readily available to handle this, but did say it could be attempted using their API's.





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