Modifying a cell/column in a report

Mtmoroni ✭✭✭✭✭

So an odd change occurred. I have a master core data sheet, which as an owner, works fine. As an editor, works fine.

I created a report based on specific criteria. In this report, i have a column for a date to enter when i completed it. Simple date column, but does have conditional formatting on this column to turn yellow if blank. I also have a formula that references this column as a IF/ISBLANK statement.

Up until recently (noticed just today), as an owner/admin/editor - I can not enter the date I want to in this column from the report. I can from the core data, but not from the report.

Any ideas from anyone? Note: it is not a locked column.


  • Mtmoroni
    Mtmoroni ✭✭✭✭✭

    And wish i could delete this. BUT - if you have this issue, check the master sheet the report is pulling from. I had another admin decide to change a column name ever so slightly, which caused the report to fail.

    It goes back to a request i submitted to Smartsheet to have the ability on renaming columns and following suite to the reports. Formulas and Metrics pages all continue to work on a column name change, I would think that the reports should be able to as well.