Barcode Scanning (Issuance and Receipt) using smartsheet forms

Hi ,

I am currently working on a requirement that came from central stores, they would like to track their inventory by using barcode scanning option, whereas, following applies:

1) Scan code, issue out material

2) Scan code, receive back the material

Is this something that anyone has worked on , or who can help me to know how i can use smartsheet option to do so?

Thank you in advance


  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/13/20

    Are they issuing out a large amount of materials? Currently smartsheet will handle about 20,000 rows (give or take depending on the number of columns). This means that if you do ~55 submissions / day you will fill an entire smartsheet to its max inside of a year. Smartsheet might not be the correct software for this application in this regard

    If you are doing minimal submissions, or are willing to maintain the sheet and delete the historical data once it is filled, then you can can use smartsheet. In that case, my solution is below:

    I would use 3 separate sheets. One for issuing out, one for returning the items, and one to reflect the current status. Both the checked out sheet and the checked in sheet would have created date columns, and I would use the max(collect()) formula with other sheet references on the current status sheet for each item to return if the created in the checked out sheet is greater than the created in the checked in.

    You would have to set up the scanner to do carriage returns, and select the bottom cell in the sheet prior to scanning.

  • Hi, thanks for your reply, to answer your question, the amount of rows will be minimal as we will be utilizing it for one type of material only that is being returned on monthly basis.

    I am interested in the solution you are providing, would you kindly elaborate on the below:

    "the checked out sheet and the checked in sheet would have created date columns, and I would use the max(collect()) formula with other sheet references on the current status sheet for each item to return if the created in the checked out sheet is greater than the created in the checked in.

    You would have to set up the scanner to do carriage returns, and select the bottom cell in the sheet prior to scanning."

    1) Check-in is done via bar code scanner , where someone can scan the predefined codes right?

    2) What about the check-out and the returns? how can i handle these?

  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Give the solution below a try. Check outs and check ins can be scanned or typed, either way. not much different than just opening up an excel document and scanning away, just with a little automation and some tracking built in.


    Check Out

    Check in