Reports on Published Dashboard viewing

Hello, I really don't understand and cannot find an answer to this:

I built a bunch of reports from underlying sheets. I put links to those reports on a dashboard. I published the dashboard for everyone to see.

Will everyone with a link to the dashboard be able to see the reports that are linked on the dashboard as long as they have a smartsheet login but are NOT shared on the underlying sheets or the reports.

Basically, we have at least 100 nurse managers who will need to see the reports on the dashboard - do I have to share every single nurse manager to the reports I built?

Thank you!

Best Answer


  • Eva M
    Eva M ✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    This is super helpful. Thank you so much!! This will work for us until we know who actually needs to be able to download the reports and sort them to their needs. I really appreciate the links leading to the directions too!! :-)

  • Hi Eva, I'm so glad this helps! 🙂

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  • This was helpful to me as well. Had to revamp my dashboard with the web content of the published reports. However, what about when you want to show a chart based on a report, rather than the report data? My chart isn't showing on my dashboard that I've posted to our larger community.

  • Hi @Christina Bayma

    Report Widgets allow you to surface report content in a Dashboard without sharing the underlying sheets or Reports, however if someone is trying to access a link to that Report, that's when they'd need sharing permissions.

    You can also build a Chart Widget off of a Report and that chart should be visible to anyone looking at the Dashboard. If you're not seeing that content, check the widget configuration settings under the Viewer Mode tab:

    Here's more information: Control widget content when source is a report



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  • Thank you. Got it working now.