SUMIF formula when cell contains multiple collaborators

I currently have a formula that will sum up the "Hours Used" from the "proposed hours needed" field based on which intern is assigned.

=SUMIF(Intern:Intern, "Michelle", [Proposed Hours Needed]:[Proposed Hours Needed])

However, when BOTH interns are assigned, it doesn't acknowledge the hours - how can I update my formula to include that if both interns are chosen to divide the Proposed hours in half and add the halves independently to each interns Hours Used? - so in the example, I'd want 10 hours to show up for each intern in their Hours Used

Best Answers

  • Melissa Logan
    Melissa Logan ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    ok - so actually, one of the rows got pushed to the bottom, so I missed 40 hours! the formula DOES work, except that it's not splitting the hours, it's adding the full amount to both parties - when both parties are present, I need it to divide the total number by half and add that to each person's hours used individually - so instead of 20 hours each for the project, it's 10 hours each


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