Does Smartsheet allow the calculation of IRR?

I have found a key element of Program Management that needs solution in the Smartsheet platform. The calculation for IRR is critical component and not available as general function. As you may know, this simple one varying net cash flow typical program. Does anyone calculating real-life program can share with me?.

Best Answers

  • Michael Mather
    Answer ✓

    Hello Jeff, That is an interesting approach. Basically, use the NPV equation then allow the user to manually load estimated IIR and interpolate that rate of return until they get to an NPV = 0. I will try that.


  • Michael Mather
    Answer ✓

    Hello Jeff, That is an interesting approach. Basically, use the NPV equation then allow the user to manually load estimated IIR and interpolate that rate of return until they get to an NPV = 0. I will try that.

  • No luck. I ended up getting a stack overflow. I will try to simplify the calculation. Bummer.

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