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Parent Relation on Progress %




i am trying to figure out how to create a parent relationship using the progress bar (0%, 25%, 50%, etc...) without having to enter 2 dates.


I have a parent with 6 children rows under it. If i choose the progress bar as a colum property from symbols and select progree in the 6 children, I want the average to be displayed in the parten. Again, without using a start and end date.


Thank you in advace for your help.




  • Kara Lumley

    Hi Laurenz,

    Great question.

    What I had to do to get this to work is create another column to extrapolate the percentages - here is the formula to do that:

    =IF(Status2 = "Empty", 0, IF(Status2 = "Quarter", 0.25, IF(Status2 = "Half", 0.5, IF(Status2 = "Three Quarter", 0.75, IF(Status2 = "Full", 1)))))


    Then, in the parent row, I created an average (column is formatted for percentages):

    =IF(AVG(CHILDREN()) = 0, 0, AVG(CHILDREN()))


    You can take a look at the sheet here.


    Please let us know if you have further questions!


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