Pretty frustrated... you have to create a smartsheet account to fill out a form???



  • D.W.
    D.W. ✭✭✭✭

    thank you PostHarvest! That was a life saver - huge issue for me and you solved it!

  • Kayla Bohnhorst

    It is 2024 and we are still experiencing this issue. Unfortunately we have we have to use the mobile app since we have a QR code to scan, so we can't use the web browser. To ask hundreds of people in our industry to create an account they will use once in a blue moon is an inconvenient ask. We do want to be able to utilize Smartsheet and their form capabilities in plenty of one off situations as well as continuous situations, but this minor setback is becoming a major setback. Can Smartsheet just have a "guest" option to be able to click "guest" and proceed opening a form on the app without having to login????