How to add primary column to report

I am unable to click the 'columns' button at the top right when creating a report and add the primary column. Down below that in the filtered section it will let me add it, but not data shows up. It is a free text field where the guys on the job type in their notes from that day's work. I would like it to report out so that it shows inline with the other job information. Hopefully that makes sense.


  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni

    The Primary Column gets added to a report automatically, and you can't remove it, but you can hide it. If it's a pre-existing report, check to see if it was hidden.

    It will show up in the report by default with the column header "Primary", but you can right-click and change the header name (that's the only column you can do that with in a report)