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Question: Formula results in reports



  • Colin Entrekin
    Colin Entrekin ✭✭✭✭

    I was just wondering why Smartsheet insists on forcing users to learn these complex formulas and syntax to accomplish basic functions?  

    If it wasn't for having to research and create formulas to make Smartsheet do what I want, I'd enjoy it a great deal more. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I come at this from a slightly different perspective, but I am curious about your viewpoint. When I started using Smartsheet on my team (me + 12 engineers that worked for me), the formulas and setup was done by me and one member of my team. The rest of the  team just reaped the benefits. If you coming from an Excel or Google sheet, the same 'limitation' applies.

    (I use quotes because I am not convinced it is a limitation).

    When I consult with companies there may be one or two persons that want to pick up simple or complex formula building, but not every user needs to have this skill set.

    If I were setting up another system for a client, Write, Confluence, Mantis, what-have-you, there is a learning curve to get it configured for the way you want it to work.

    My list of basic functions that should be moved out of formulas is pretty small. Which ones are on your list?


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