Treminate email notoifocation to an ex registered user

Hello, ef@### used to work with us on numerous workseets and was a registed smartsheet user. We had notifications for any changes set to email ef@###. He has now left and has been deleted as a user. But my office manager pb@### continues to recieve notifications sent to ef@### from . I think this is because our MS Exchange account forwards ef@### emails to pb@####. But how do I stop smartsheet generating these notifications in the first place. ef@## was involved in 100 or more worksheets so I'm looking for a global way to do this. Thanks

Best Answer


  • John Jonassen
    John Jonassen ✭✭✭✭

    There may not be a global way to perform this, but maybe take a look in the Automation Workflow within the sheet that triggers the email to be sent. They may be set up to notify the person no longer in your organization in there.

  • Thanks John - that's got it. Pity that there is no way to simply remove an ex-employee or subcontractor from recieving any data from our organisation once their involvement has ended. It makes data protection within smartsheet control pretty difficult.

  • John Jonassen
    John Jonassen ✭✭✭✭

    Something to think about for the future, @Stoneblue23 , would be to request that your organization create an email account on your Exchange that is for your group, rather than an individual, then some or all individuals in your group have access to that email account. Then use that address on anything that goes out from your group out of Smartsheet. That way, if anyone were to leave or be gone when issues like this arise, there will be no need to make any changes within Smartsheet.

    Does that make sense?

  • Stoneblue23
    Stoneblue23 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thanks John, yes that is a good workaround.