Task not able to be complted if predecessors are not

Is there any way to stop a user to complete a task if this task predecessors are not complete?

I have a project 2 big sections: Project related tasks and Product related tasks.

The project related tasks contains "project" milestones.

Each product development contains Product milestones.

I need to complete the milestones for the project ONLY if the "corresponding" product milestones are completed.



  • PROJECT MILESTONE 1 - Predecessors: Prod1 Milestone1, Prod2 Milestone1
  • PROJECT MILESTONE 2 - Predecessors: Prod1 Milestone2, Prod2 Milestone2


  • Prod1
  • - Prod1 Task1
  • - Prod1 Task2
  • - Prod1 milestone1
  • ...
  • Prod 2
  • - Prod2 Task1
  • - Prod2 Task2
  • - Prod2 milestone1
  • ...

Then i need to be able to complete the task PROJECT MILESTONE 1 only if the taks Prod1 milestone1 and Prod2 milestone1are completed (its predecessors)

Thanks a lot.


  • kleinsb
    kleinsb ✭✭
    edited 11/03/20

    Hi Roger, you could play around with the SF predecessors (Start-to-Finish (SF) - finish before the predecessor starts). It wouldn't necessarily restrict the tasks so that they couldn't be completed but it would set up the dates so that you are completing things in the order you want.

    With the example you gave, set up the predecessors as is but with SF:

    • PROJECT MILESTONE 1 - Predecessors: Prod1 Milestone1SF, Prod2 Milestone1SF
    • PROJECT MILESTONE 2 - Predecessors: Prod1 Milestone2SF, Prod2 Milestone2SF

    Hope that helps!

  • Roger
    Roger ✭✭

    Hello @kleinsb and thanks for answering

    I dont understand at all, even If i play with the conditions of the predecessor, i can set in the status whatever i want.

    I wanted to stop the user to set the status to complete for PROJECT MILESTONE 1 if its predecessor are not complete.

    In this case, the predecessors are not started, so, i should not be "able" to complete the PROJECT MILESTONE 1 until tasks 8 and 14 are complete.

    Is there any way to implement this?

    Thanks again