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Count Risks only when checkbox is open

I'm trying to create a formula that only counts the risks (High, Medium, Low) when the completed checkbox is not checked off. I have a formula for counting the number of risks (=COUNTIF(Risk:Risk, "High") + COUNTIF(Risk:Risk, "Medium") + COUNTIF(Risk:Risk, "Low")) but I have another column for "completed" that I want to include in this formula so I'm not counting risks when the risk has passed. I've attached an image to help understand what I'm asking for. 



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    You will want to use the COUNTIFS function.


    =COUNTIFS(Risk:Risk, "High", Completed:Completed, 1)

    (repeated for the other two risks)


    Hope this helps.


  • Patricia Thurston
    edited 02/22/17

    Thank you! That worked perfectly. 

  • Hi, I have another question about the formula for this. I only want to count the late tasks if the Risk column is empty. How would I include that in the statement under Late Tasks? My formula for late tasks is: =IF(Completed2 <> 1, IF(TODAY() - [Due Date]2 > 0, 1, IF(TODAY() - [Due Date]2 > -3, 1, 0)))

  • Patricia Thurston
    edited 02/22/17

    Here is the formula I'm trying to create under the "Late Tasks" column: =IF(Risk3 = "Empty"), IF(Completed3 <> 1, IF(TODAY() - [Due Date]3 > 0, 1, IF(TODAY() - [Due Date]3 > -3, 1, 0))))


    If the Risk column is empty, then count it as a late task, otherwise, ignore it. 



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I don't understand your current formula.


    TODAY() - [Due Date]2 


    will be positive for items in the past and negative for items in the future.

    Your next IF's result in a "1" for anything three days out and in the past.


    You should get the same results with:


    =IF(Completed2 <> 1, IF(TODAY() - [Due Date]2 > -3, 1, 0))


    To answer you question, assuming I'm right about your formula, this might work:


    =IF(AND(Completed2 <> 1, ISBLANK(Risk2)), IF(TODAY() - [Due Date]2 > -3, 1, 0))


    Hope this helps.





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