Why am I denied access to a sheet I own?

jb@59069 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

I created and own the sheet. Why do I occasionally receive an error that I do not have permission to open a sheet, when I created it and am the owner?


  • Hi @jb@59069

    Is it possible you're accessing this sheet from a second account, that isn't shared to it? Or from a different browser with someone else logged in? I would test opening this sheet in incognito mode in case it has to do with your browser's cache or cookies.

    If this is consistent behaviour with just one specific sheet, try duplicating the sheet to see if this resolves the issue.

    Then if that doesn't help, I would suggest troubleshooting this with Support so you can send them screen captures, screen recordings (if possible), and private information such as what account you're using to access the sheet and the sheet name, etc.

