Why all cells in a column are updating if one cell in the sheet as been change

I have a column that I use to do a summary multiples fields in a row to have a better understanding of what this row contains. Here is the formula :

=IF(Type@row = "Approche", [ID Projet]@row, "P-" + [# Projet]@row) + " (" + [État du projet]@row + ")" + CHAR(10) + "―Client: " + Client@row + CHAR(10) + "―Nom Projet: " + [Nom du projet]@row + CHAR(10) + "―Chargé de projet SE: " + [Chargé de Projet]@row + CHAR(10) + "―Dates: Du " + [Date (Début)]@row + " @ " + [Date (Livraison)]@row + CHAR(10) + "―Catégorie: " + Catégorie@row + IF(ISBLANK([Sous-Catégorie]@row), "", " - " + [Sous-Catégorie]@row) + IF(OR([État du projet]@row = "Perdu", [État du projet]@row = "Annulé"), CHAR(10) + "―Raison de perte: " + [Raison de la perte]@row, "") + CHAR(10) + "Soumission/Échéancier: " + [Vers Soumission]@row

My problem is that every time a single cell in all the sheet is change, this column update all the rows for no reason. Did someone else had this problem in the past. You can see in yellow all the cells that have been updated.

Thank you!
