How do folks sort by (alphabetical) month in a report?

Dale Murphy
Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

The new reporting tool is great, but the grouping feature seems to conflict with sorting. I have already had to build extra columns to show month as a word (i.e., January). Now to sort by months of the year, I am kludging some things that are painful when other tools like Excel have such flexibility (up to a custom sort list).

Has anyone solved for that functionality?

(I will submit an enhancement request)



Best Answer


  • Mark S Krebs
    Answer ✓

    I just use a helper column for month number and year and then show the month spelled out in another column. Seems similar to what you're doing

  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mark S Krebs Agree, our approaches are similar.

    For me, even after adding those column(s), the sort is problematic. The tool wants to sort the months alphabetically.

    So my numerical column is useful to sort initially, but if I introduce grouping in the report by (alphabetical) month, the sort is overridden by the same "alphabet-month" (i.e., April is first).

    The logic make sense (namely, group is performed before sort) which is why a specialized "Custom List" feature is needed. (IMO)

    For now, my user group will see years as numbers, and then the report grouped (and sorted) by month-number.


    (** my ref: Trad Spend)

  • Could you do a concatenate which would 1 - January?

  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I concatenated a letter instead of a number ... if you use a number the sort is still by alphabet so you still don't get months in the calendar order.

