user-approval matrix reference

I have a form for users to submit documents for approval and gets loaded into sheet A where the approval automation is set-up.

The approver column in sheet A is linked to a user-approver matrix that is managed on another sheet B, such that when user submits form and sheet A is updated with a new row, sheet A will reference the user name using sheet B and identify who the approver should be.

This works fine if there is no change in the approver along the way. However, if there is a change in the user-approver matrix in sheet B, existing rows in sheet A (that had already been approved previously) will also be updated to reflect the new approver name for the user. This becomes inaccurate as those existing records were approved by the previous defined approver.

Any idea how we can update the user-approver matrix in sheet B without affecting the existing records in sheet A and still retain those existing records in sheet A?




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