Export Smartsheet Rpts to Excel with Tasks/ Subtasks in Seperate Columns

Thanks for reading. New to Smartsheets and built my first report - an aggregation of ongoing projects.

I searched the archives and was surprised to only find this on the same issue: How to export from Smartsheet to Excel in tabular format? — Smartsheet Community. The discussion does not provide an answer. I would have thought many people encounter this and Smartsheet has a way to handle it.

The reports primary field is the tasks and subtasks of a project plan. When exported to Excel, the tasks and subtasks remain in the same column. I would have hoped that disaggregated based on the parent-daughter relationship. Here is a picture:


  • Hi @Dan Berens

    As you've found, Smartsheet will export the data to excel in the same structure that the sheet or report is in.

    If your Tasks and Sub-Tasks are in different hierarchy levels, then you could create a helper column in Smartsheet to identify what the Parent task is for each of these Child rows. You can hide this column in your Smartsheet sheets and reports, but it would then populate a new column in your Excel export.

    For example, in my sheet I used the formula. =PARENT(Tasks@row)

    Sheet (with Column Formula set):


    Excel Export from Report:

    Let me know if this will work for you!



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