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Worksheet Content Protection

Dear Community,


Is it possible to hide and lock a specific section (rows) of a worksheet, so that only Admins and specific nominees can unhide and modify them?

The data within this section is commercially sensitive, so only a few users will need access to unhide and edit.

I would rather avoid the need to separate out to a new worksheet if possible!

if this is not possible in this format, is there any other user resitrictions within a worksheet that could achieve a similar result?

I have set filters for each of the main sections (the section in question being one) and am able to set current user as the default fiter, thereby hiding (by filter) specific sections, dependent upon user. However, it seems that any user with Edit/View Only permission can change the filter, thereby making visible the entire sheet.

Any help, or suggestions appreciated.


Thanks in advance,




  • You can hide columns, and lock both columns and rows.  You can't hide a row (aside from collapsing it as a parent/child relationship).


    You could maybe make a report based on your sheet, and exclude the rows you don't want visibile (i.e. make a checkbox column for "hide this row" and then exclude any rows that are checked off from the report).

  • In addition to what Brent said above, please note that the Hide columns feature is more of a convenience feature than a security feature, in that your browser will download the whole sheet, so a determined and technically savvy user could see the data in the browser's debugger. Truly sensitive information should be kept in a separate sheet.


  • mknighton
    mknighton ✭✭✭

    What would be nice to have is the ability to turn off changing of the the filter for any role below Admin.  That way you could use filters to permission rows for the users.  The capability is almost there seems like this one additional twist would make it much more valuable. 

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