Pull reference data from another sheet while filtering out based on a multi-select dropdown

Matt Sommer
Matt Sommer ✭✭
edited 04/22/21 in Formulas and Functions


I'm new to Smartsheet and I'm having a bit of trouble with referencing data from one sheet to another. I think this question has been asked multiple times, but I'm confused on the format of the formula's as this is a complex problem.

I want to have a master 'Parts List' which is a complete list of parts with some attributes. One of the attributes is the product the part is on. Here is a screenshot.

Using that master table, I want to have another sheet which only shows the parts which are on a specific product. So as example below, listing only parts that are on 'Ford Focus'. I want to be able to pull some of the columns such as 'Number' and 'Name', and 'Category'.

I think the solution is to use INDEX and COLLECTION, but I'm really confused on the format of the formulas. I'm still learning the reference syntax but it's confusing as I'm so new to Smartsheet.

This seems like the closest solution I could find: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/75675/vlookup-function-applied-only-to-a-filtered-data-in-another-sheet


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