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Current work filter for tasks not Complete and Due in the next 2 days or the past

I am trying to build a filter that will be utilized to Identify Current and Past due work. I can get the filter to find all not Completed or Canceled work in the Past or the Next # of days. I cannot get it to find all taskx from 2 days in the future and older.


Is there a way to add a formula when using is less than or equal to?



  • Hi Jared,


    You should be able to create this without having to use a formula by adding one criterion that will filter rows in the next 2 days and will filter rows that're in the past.


    You'll want to make sure that your filter is set to show rows that match at least one condition.

    Screen Shot 2017-04-07 at 9.35.44 AM.png

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