Tagging people @comments notifications

Nick Burrus
Nick Burrus ✭✭✭✭✭✭

In Conversations tagging others in a row comment, includes the Row #, is there a way to include like the primary column or something in? Different sorting = different row numbers when it gets changed, so the row # can be quite useless sometimes when a sheet gets resorted constantly.

I will send in an enhancement request.

Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.

Best Answer

  • Nick Burrus
    Nick Burrus ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Actually it is possible. They "accidently" removed it in the road map but it got added back.

    Utilize your primary column with a formula, and it's automatically included :D

    Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

    I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.
