Month from Week Number

The data source I have is only providing WeekNumber of a transaction, e.g. 1 - 52.

Is there a way to convert that week number into the respective month number, 1 - 12?

I can think of a painful nested if formula or an equally painful reference table as solutions.

But can anyone think of an easier formula?



  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/10/21

    Hi, Casey.

    Let's say the year is 2022 and is in the column Start Year, and the week number is 23.

    = MONTH( DATE([Start Year]@row, 1, 1) + ([Week Number]@row * 7))

    01/01/2022 + (23 * 7) = 06/11/2022 ; Month = 6 ; June if you do some tweaking.
