Dashboard Help!


Can a graph on a dashboard display only the summaries of a report?

I have regional summary sheets on multiple grids that I then have bought together in to a report, and then used the 'summary' tool at the top of the report to show me the national figures.

I want to then show the national figures (the ones now in the top 'summary' row of the report) on a graph on a dash. When I try to do this I only seem to be able to pull all of the figures from the report and not just the top ones?

Is there a way round this please?



  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Stuart Maidment

    No, it's not currently possible to create Charts from the Summary section of Reports, however our Product team is currently working on this.

    There should be a small note at the top of your Source Selection window when you click on the Report which clarifies this:

    They recently were able to release the functionality of displaying Grouping and Summary in a Report widget, if that would help! See: Grouping and Summary in Report Widgets

    If you'd prefer to create a Chart, the way I would do this is to create a "Metric Sheet" which has cross-sheet formulas creating calculations, then using this sheet as the source for the chart. Let me know if you'd like to go down this route and I'm happy to help create those formulas.



  • Stuart Maidment

    Hi Genevieve,

    Thanks for getting back to me on this.

    To clarify, I have created a report to bring together the data from the summary sections of the numerous "Regional" sheets, and I'm trying to then show a graph from this report. I can show the graph just fine, but it includes the breakdown of all the sheets - its showing all regions when I only want to show the National figure - the 'sum' at the top of the report. Is there a way to do this please? Or is there a work around thet we can use please?

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Stuart Maidment

    Ah, thank you for clarifying that your content is in a Sheet Summary Report, versus from the Grid. No, there currently isn't a way to display the top summary row in a Chart.

    You can embed the Report itself onto the Dashboard displaying this number (collapsing all the underling rows to just show the Summary at the top), but the ability to use this row for Charts hasn't been released yet. You can subscribe to our Release Notes page to be notified as soon as it is!

    You can also chart the underling data in a Stacked Bar graph, but the Sum of the numbers would need to be displayed from the Report widget chart:

    The only other alternative would be to use cross-sheet formulas instead of your Sheet Summary fields to re-create your current Report as data in a Sheet instead.

