Pictures using Windows Devices on forms

L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Does anyone know a way to directly take a picture and attach it to a form on a windows device? I have several microsoft surfaces, and I can't get the option to directly attach a picture to a form like you can with a phone, instead I have to open the camera app, take the picture, go into the form, and find the picture in the storage.

I've tried opening the browser in mobile view through f12 and that didn't change anything.



  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hello @L@123 ,

    Upon reviewing & testing this, devices running on Windows OS is currently not supported to what you are trying to do. Please submit an enhancement request on this to be considered for future development.

    In the meantime, an alternate solution is what you are already doing by taking a picture using the built-in camera app and attach the picture in the form by having it sourced from the device's storage.

    Check out the link here for more information on what Smartsheet currently supports for mobile view.

