Multiple IF statements HELP!


The request is to check L2 and if it is NAME1 OR NAME2, then look at L3 to return the contact.

Trying to return a contact but need to look at two IF's to make it happen:

I currently have:

=IF([L2]@row = "NAME1", VLOOKUP([L3]@row, {POC}, 2, false), VLOOKUP([L2]@row, {POC}, 2, false))

and I need to add

IF([L2]@row = "Name2", VLOOKUP([L3]@row, {POC}, 2, false), VLOOKUP([L2]@row, {POC}, 2, false))

{POC} is a referenced sheet returning column 2, and the L2

But when I try to AND to join them, it comes back unparsable. HELP!

What the heck am I missing to make this work? :)

