Formulas and Functions

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Help with multiple IF (CONTAINS) AND OR criteria

Hello! I'm trying to figure out how to write a formula to return a value of "Open" or "Closed" when multiple criteria is met, or leave blank if N/A.


  • "Issue Category (Consolidated)" column contains selections "Invoice Mgmt", "Inventory", etc.
  • "Status" dropdown column = Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Terminated

The below formula works when just looking for corresponding row containing "Invoice Mgmt" and returns the value "Open" (Note: replaced true/false values with "Open/Closed" dropdown)

=IF(CONTAINS("Invoice Mgmt", [Issue Category (Consolidated)]@row:[Issue Category (Consolidated)]@row), "Open", "")

… But, I also need to include IF "Status" column = "Completed" then set to "Closed", if it's still "In Progress" it can stay "Open"... to summarize, the logic needed is:

IF "Issue Category (Consolidated)" CONTAINS "Invoice Mgmt" AND "Status" <> "Completed" or "Terminated" THEN value returns "Open"

IF "Issue Category (Consolidated)" CONTAINS "Invoice Mgmt" AND "Status" = "Completed" or "Terminated" THEN value returns "Closed"

IF "Issue Category (Consolidated)" does NOT CONTAIN "Invoice Mgmt" then leave blank, regardless of "Status"


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