Update Requests to Multiple People: Only 1 Link Can be Used

I have been using SmartSheet for a few years and noticed recently that the functionality of Update Requests, when sent to multiple users, has changed. Previously, if I sent the same update request to 2 people, each could use the update link one time. Now, only the first person can use the link, and when the second person needs to use the link, I have to go in and resend the request to that person. I have created separate automations for each person as a work around, but I'd really rather have everything setup in 1 automation so I don't have to make multiple updates if job assignments change.

Best Answer

  • Jaykel Torres
    Jaykel Torres Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Renee Marx,

    Typically if an Update Request is sent to multiple Users via Automation Workflow, each recipient will receive their own Update Request Form that can only be used once after submission. Even if one recipient fills out the form, the other recipients are still allowed to fill in their specific form.

    It does sound like you are experiencing unexpected behavior, I do recommend reaching out to our Smartsheet Technical Support team here: https://help.smartsheet.com/contact for further assistance.

    In the meantime, you can keep the Update Requests under the same Automation Workflow simply by adding additional subsequent Update Request Action Blocks (but sent to different recipients) to the workflow.

    I hope this helps!



  • Jaykel Torres
    Jaykel Torres Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Renee Marx,

    Typically if an Update Request is sent to multiple Users via Automation Workflow, each recipient will receive their own Update Request Form that can only be used once after submission. Even if one recipient fills out the form, the other recipients are still allowed to fill in their specific form.

    It does sound like you are experiencing unexpected behavior, I do recommend reaching out to our Smartsheet Technical Support team here: https://help.smartsheet.com/contact for further assistance.

    In the meantime, you can keep the Update Requests under the same Automation Workflow simply by adding additional subsequent Update Request Action Blocks (but sent to different recipients) to the workflow.

    I hope this helps!


  • Thank you, Jaykel! That is what I thought, and how it previously behaved, but I know there have been some changes and wasn't sure if this process was affected.

    I will definitely reach out to support to have them review the issue. 😁

  • David P
    David P ✭✭

    I see this post is from a few years ago, but I am now having the same issue. In addition, it used to send a single email for multiple requests. Now it sends out multiple individual emails. Do either of you happen to know why/when this change happened?

  • Kate HC
    Kate HC ✭✭

    I would actually like this functionality.

    I have three administrative assistants who could each fill out the form depending on who is covering each day. It would be nice to have the link option removed after one of them filled it out to avoid duplication from the other two admins.

    Any suggestions?

  • I'd like this functionality as well. I'm trying to find a work around for how rows can be assigned to one team member once they've provided an update. Instead it's sending update requests to everyone on the team and they're sticking in Pending Update status on the row. I want the link to disappear or become defunct once one person provides an update.