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For Every one want to have More color symbol for health Status column.

edited 07/30/21 in Best Practice

Dear Community Memebers,

I saw many equations asking to have More color symbol for health Status column, so i added this post to be a simple reference to solve this issue and with your help and comments we can develop it to match the most of your wishes.

the following screenshot shows the color reference you can use it in your UNICHAR Function and a simple IF statement formula using those codes:

the Sample formula:

=IF(Color@row = "Orange", UNICHAR(128992), IF(Color@row = "Gray", UNICHAR(128280), 
IF(Color@row = "Red", UNICHAR(128308), IF(Color@row = "Blue", UNICHAR(128309), 
IF(Color@row = "Yellow", UNICHAR(128993), IF(Color@row = "Green", UNICHAR(128994),
IF(Color@row = "Purple", UNICHAR(128995)))))))) 

PMP Certified

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