Tasks list report - from different sheets with different column names


I have a problem with my task report , when I want to filter it for one specific person. I have 3 columns, from 3 different sheets and they all have their own column name for "Assigned to", such as 1, Assigned to, 2, Responsible person and 3, Responsible.

And I do not if it is possible to filter from these 3 dif. columns one name so I can create task list for one person.

Do these columns need to be named the same or is it possible to somehow filter it?

Any help or advice is welcomed :)

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Sandra Guzman
    Sandra Guzman ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi there @Aneta Ševčíková,

    So when you build your report you will need to ensure that all 3 columns are added so that the data will populate for you. Personally, I would highly recommend keeping the naming convention as standardized as possible across your sheets and have them all named "Assigned To." This is going to help you in the long run for developing other future reports.

    If you cannot make the change as suggested above, you have a couple of options.

    Option 1) Create a report and add filters for each of the columns described above and select "current user. "

    Smartsheet report current user

    Current user is the person viewing the sheet and is based on the email address that that person used to sign in to Smartsheet. You can use the Current user criterion, for example, to create a report that all of your team members can use to see their own assigned tasks without having to create multiple reports.

    Option 2) You could create 3 individual reports and use the grouping feature within reports. Not ideal since you would have to check 3 unique places for assignments.

    There are some other ways you could go about handling this but they could get more involved. The above two options in my mind are the less complicated paths to take for this.

    Hope that helps!

    All the best,



  • Sandra Guzman
    Sandra Guzman ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi there @Aneta Ševčíková,

    So when you build your report you will need to ensure that all 3 columns are added so that the data will populate for you. Personally, I would highly recommend keeping the naming convention as standardized as possible across your sheets and have them all named "Assigned To." This is going to help you in the long run for developing other future reports.

    If you cannot make the change as suggested above, you have a couple of options.

    Option 1) Create a report and add filters for each of the columns described above and select "current user. "

    Smartsheet report current user

    Current user is the person viewing the sheet and is based on the email address that that person used to sign in to Smartsheet. You can use the Current user criterion, for example, to create a report that all of your team members can use to see their own assigned tasks without having to create multiple reports.

    Option 2) You could create 3 individual reports and use the grouping feature within reports. Not ideal since you would have to check 3 unique places for assignments.

    There are some other ways you could go about handling this but they could get more involved. The above two options in my mind are the less complicated paths to take for this.

    Hope that helps!

    All the best,


  • Hello Sandra Guzman!

    Yeah, I thought I could do it without changing the names of the columns. I guess it will be easier in the long run if I change it now. Good to know :)

    For now I will use option 1, as I did not know that was even possible!

    Thank you so much for answering!

    Have a lovely day,
