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Conditional Formatting: "Today is in-between Start Date and End Date"?


Hi all,

I built a filter to show my tasks that are due today with a green highlight. However, it does not capture tasks that last across several days (see the different shades of green in the attached image - bright green is a "today" task, and the woodland green is default). How can I extend my conditional formatting to include dates in-between my Start and End dates in my filter?

Best Regards,







  • MattH

    See the first line of the attachment. Is this what you're looking to do?


  • Yes, that helped! Now my problem is that the conditional formatting is reflecting on all of my headers (see image).

    Setting "Start in the Past + End in the Future" works well for identifying ongoing tasks on my Gantt Chart, but I am still in search for a way to filter that "Today is between Start and End."


  • MattH
    edited 04/21/17

    Are you familiar with the filter menu? Filtering is quite a trivial task; here's the link to the smartsheet introduction page for this feature: 


    Please see the attachment for an example of what you might use. In most of my filters, I always use "Show parent rows", but you may not want to. (See the first screenshot).


    Regarding your header coloring problem: 

    Do you have a column that could be used to EXCLUDE these rows? For instance, maybe headers don't have an assigned contact? For my example, I made a new column named "format" which is a checkbox. See the second screenshot for an example of what that might look like. 

    To utilize this new column: 

    In order to format rows, this column would be checked. (Or, if you flopped the logic in the conditional formatting, unchecked). 

    You COULD, if you wish, use a formula to mark this as unchecked if row is a header. This formula might look like this: 

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) > 0, true, false)

    For the questions that will inevitably arise surrounding auto filling formulas: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/1641473-auto-filling-formulas-and-formatting 




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