Publish a Report in Gantt View for use on Ipad

SandyA ✭✭
edited 09/10/21 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi - our site supervisors out on the road need access to a specific report that is in Gantt view. I cannot seem to publish the Gantt for viewing on any IOS platform - ipad or iphone. I have tried embedding it in a dashboard but that doesn't work either.

Can someone please advise what I need to do to get this to work? Thanks.



  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hello @SandyA

    When you said you cannot seem to publish the Gantt for viewing on any IOS platform, are they getting an error message when doing so? Are they using a Published Link of the Report in Gantt?

    I tested this and its working as expected. See images below for reference.

    This is my test report switched to Gantt View.

    Then I published this Report with the Gantt View option selected.

    Using the Published Link in my iPad, I was able to view the report in Gantt with no issue. I used the link in Safari.

    Provide us with screenshots of what your supervisor is seeing, how you have your report and how you are sharing it (please block out any sensitive data), the steps taken that leads to it to not work as well as the direct url link your supervisor is using so we can help further assist on whats going on.



  • SandyA
    SandyA ✭✭

    Hi @Krissia B

    When we publish the report to view in Safari on his ipad, it now views ok (updated IOS).

    In the Smartsheets app, it changes the display and reverts to the Primary field by default next to the Gantt. I had set up the report to view a different column (Assigned To).

    This is what should display (displays as formatted on any PC):

    This is what displays on ipad, using Smartsheets app:

    I can't work out how to change this on the ipad, so that it displays Assigned To as the column on the left instead of Primary.

    When I print the report (to save as pdf), I make sure I change the columns to be displayed from Primary to Assigned To. However, when you go to print the published report, you need to set these fields again as it doesn't hold the print settings.

    Short of emailing him a pdf every day, I need to be able to make sure his is getting his information presented in the right way. He is not very computer literate, so it needs to be as easy for him as possible.

    Thank you :)