Need help ASAP on this

Whenever a new otb number is added it should capture it when you select otb number show new otb number as a choice and take you to the url link of that otb number only. I am asking on how exactly would I configure this without having to add manuel filters by whenever I enter in a new OTB number in the smartsheets it will then populate in the webform under the drop down choices in the drop down field of Select the OTB Number. See screenshot for reference. Please help me out on this

Best Answer

  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If I understand correctly, you’re wanting to have a new value automatically added to the drop down list for a column. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible with Smartsheet as far as I’m aware. I’ve been wanting this functionality myself, as it would save a lot of admin time for maintaining specific fields.


  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If I understand correctly, you’re wanting to have a new value automatically added to the drop down list for a column. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible with Smartsheet as far as I’m aware. I’ve been wanting this functionality myself, as it would save a lot of admin time for maintaining specific fields.