How to use formula from source to destination sheet?

Hi Team,

I have 2 source sheets, I need to add values from those two sheets where month is equal to "September" and so on..

Anyone kindly help me on this.


Sandhiya P

Best Answer

  • Malaina Hudson
    Malaina Hudson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Sandhiya07 ,

    If I understand your question correctly, you have 2 sheets that contain source data, and both sets of source data have a month criteria. You want to be able to total the data for seats from each of the source sheet based on the month criteria defined. Correct? Are you trying to put your formula into one of your two source sheets, or is it in a third sheet?

    If I'm understanding your ask correctly, I'd recommend using SUMIF + SUMIF to calculate instead of creating a complex set of IF statements.

    If you can show a sample of how your source data is organized, I can help you get the syntax fine-tuned, but the simple version would look like:

    =SUMIF(range1, criterion, sumrange1) + SUMIF(range2, criterion2, sumrange2)

    Range1 would be the column that contains the criterion (October) you're looking for on source sheet 1

    Criterion would be the month you're searching for

    Sumrange1 would be the column that contains seats on source sheet 1

    Follow the same structure for the second part (range2...).

    If this is something you do month over month, I'd recommend laying out your monthly summary on a third sheet by month, then using a reference for the month instead of hard coding "October" into the criterion segment of your formula.


  • Hi Team,

    Customer Management and Collection are two sheets, I have total seats column in each sheets, I need total seats for both the sheets where month is October.

    =IF({Collections for September-2021 Range 3}:{Collections for September-2021 Range 3},"October", IF({Customer Management for September-2021 Range 4}:{Customer Management for September-2021 Range 4},"October", SUM({Collections for September-2021 Range 1}, {Customer Management for September-2021 Range 1})))

    the above formula I was using but it's wrong I know kindly help me on this

  • Malaina Hudson
    Malaina Hudson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Sandhiya07 ,

    If I understand your question correctly, you have 2 sheets that contain source data, and both sets of source data have a month criteria. You want to be able to total the data for seats from each of the source sheet based on the month criteria defined. Correct? Are you trying to put your formula into one of your two source sheets, or is it in a third sheet?

    If I'm understanding your ask correctly, I'd recommend using SUMIF + SUMIF to calculate instead of creating a complex set of IF statements.

    If you can show a sample of how your source data is organized, I can help you get the syntax fine-tuned, but the simple version would look like:

    =SUMIF(range1, criterion, sumrange1) + SUMIF(range2, criterion2, sumrange2)

    Range1 would be the column that contains the criterion (October) you're looking for on source sheet 1

    Criterion would be the month you're searching for

    Sumrange1 would be the column that contains seats on source sheet 1

    Follow the same structure for the second part (range2...).

    If this is something you do month over month, I'd recommend laying out your monthly summary on a third sheet by month, then using a reference for the month instead of hard coding "October" into the criterion segment of your formula.