
Hi ,

I have an Automation Workflow something like this if request glow green, then copy row to another sheet ,lock row, change some cell value (requestername to xx)

that all works fine..

then i set some reference to Ready column...Now i have an another automation if Ready glow "star" then unlock rows ...

this automation is not working....

Request column formula...

=IF(OR([Requester Name]@row = "", Ready@row = 1), "Not Set", "Yes")

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @PYI

    Thank you for clarifying your process. In this case, yes, you will need to set up a Time Based Workflow instead of one based on this cross-sheet formula/cell link.

    The first step is to change your trigger by clicking on "When Rows are Added or Changed" to be "When a date is reached":

    Then click on "Run Once" and change this to "Custom":

    You can set this to run every Day:

    And then choose your time each day:

    And set the Condition Block to be when there's a Star:

    Once you have the workflow set up for a specific time (ex. 8AM), you can Duplicate the workflow and change the hour in each one to set this up for multiple hours each day.

    For example, you may want to have 3 workflows: one that checks first thing in the morning, one that updates your sheet in the afternoon, and one that updates your sheet at the end of the day.



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  • Hi @PYI

    I see in your sheet that the Star Column actually has a small blue arrow, meaning that the star is coming in from another sheet, is that correct?

    Actions that will automatically modify the sheet (such as "Unlock Row") cannot be triggered by inbound cell-links, cross-sheet formulas, or formulas that refer to another cell with an inbound cell link or cross sheet formula.

    See the bottom note in this help article: Trigger Blocks: Define When Your Workflow is Executed

    I would suggest changing your trigger to be a Time Base Automation instead of when a change has happened in your sheet. Then you can set the condition block to be when there's a star, does that make sense? (See: Create a Time-Based Automated Workflow)



    Join us for Jumpstart 2025 with Community on 23 January (in two time zones)! 🎉 Register here.

  • PYI
    PYI ✭✭

    Hallo@Genevieve P. ... Thank you for your information,,, It is a really a useful info...

    But my Concept is..

    1. Using calender view ,User will click the slot, and will enter details. Based on conditional format ,that timeslot glow red.
    2. Then if all details present ,i lock rock ,copy row (to Sheet2)and change all the user information "xx" so that information prevent from another user.
    3. via sheet 2( got user info from sheet1) i will proceed the approval action . while i approve i will ask them to update if they want to cancel ,they can proceed with update form. In ,Sheet2 i have Cancel column, so user click cancel, then i pass this info to Sheet1 ,so that sheet1 calenderview timeslot again glow Green based on conditional format.

    So i want to unlock row when user cancel the timeslot...but am not sure , how to do with time based

    Do you have any suggestions,,, Can i share my sheets ?

    Thank you for your time

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @PYI

    Thank you for clarifying your process. In this case, yes, you will need to set up a Time Based Workflow instead of one based on this cross-sheet formula/cell link.

    The first step is to change your trigger by clicking on "When Rows are Added or Changed" to be "When a date is reached":

    Then click on "Run Once" and change this to "Custom":

    You can set this to run every Day:

    And then choose your time each day:

    And set the Condition Block to be when there's a Star:

    Once you have the workflow set up for a specific time (ex. 8AM), you can Duplicate the workflow and change the hour in each one to set this up for multiple hours each day.

    For example, you may want to have 3 workflows: one that checks first thing in the morning, one that updates your sheet in the afternoon, and one that updates your sheet at the end of the day.



    Join us for Jumpstart 2025 with Community on 23 January (in two time zones)! 🎉 Register here.

  • PYI
    PYI ✭✭

    ok,cool😎,,, i tried out... perfect.... Thank you very much for your great support