Alert when a day has not been recorded

Hi All,

I’m still relatively new to Smartsheet. I have now many sheets and getting data loaded between them and everything is talking nicely. One of the many questions (which mainly centre around actually using the data) is….

Is there a way that a sheet can alert someone if a day has been skipped. I’m thinking, for example, of a sheet that requires daily checks to be made and recorded through a form. I would like to be alerted if one of the staff have forgotten to load the checks in the form for that day. The alert could come at a certain time if nothing has been loaded for that day or if the next day has been loaded, can a alert be sent saying that a day has been skipped.

Does this make sense?

One thing I’m struggling with Smartsheet is how to use the data I’m amassing in any really useable and living way.

My specific application is monitoring work and production of a large free Range poultry farm. I also trying to use smart sheet for my NZ government compliance Risk Management system, that i I’m required to have

Any help would really great.



Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    My suggestion would be to insert a system generated Created (date) type column. Then you could insert a checkbox column with something along these lines...

    =IF(AND(Created@row = MAX(Created:Created), DATEONLY(Created@row) < TODAY()), 1)

    Basically it says that if this is the most recent date and it is before today then check the box. From there you could set up an automation to run based on that box becoming checked.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    My suggestion would be to insert a system generated Created (date) type column. Then you could insert a checkbox column with something along these lines...

    =IF(AND(Created@row = MAX(Created:Created), DATEONLY(Created@row) < TODAY()), 1)

    Basically it says that if this is the most recent date and it is before today then check the box. From there you could set up an automation to run based on that box becoming checked.