Need Help with Formula for Metrics


I am stumped at a formula for this sheet. Please see picture below. I am trying to calculate an action taken goal where we take the levels standard, urgent, and immediate and the action taken days. The parameter is for standard 3 days, urgent 1 day, and immediate 0 days. I want in the action taken goal column the words "met goal or "did not meet" goal based on those parameters. But I am stumped on how to write the formula. For example, if standard is less than or equal to 3 then met goal, Urgent 1 or less met goal, and immediate 0 days met goal. Otherwise it would say did not meet.

Similar to what I did in this section, but the above involves more factors.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!

Best Answer

  • Mark Safran
    Mark Safran Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @HFletcher

    Give this formula a shot:

    =IF(AND(Level@row = "Standard", [Action Date Days]@row <= 3), "Met Goal", IF(AND(Level@row = "Urgent", [Action Date Days]@row <= 1), "Met Goal", IF(AND(Level@row = "Immediate", [Action Date Days]@row <= 0), "Met Goal", "Did Not Meet")))



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