dashboard gantt chart showing blank months

Hello, in my dashboard with a gantt chart, it shows the months that are blank, it starts in december 2021 and it goes all the way to 2022, I am not sure why it shows all these months if in the report don't even come up.

Please help

Thank you


  • Hi @Jlind

    Since you have the gantt view set to Year then Month, the Report Widget will default opening to the beginning of the Year where the next task is associated. For example, if I had one task in 2020, then 5 in 2021 in the past, then 2 in 2022, the Report view will open to January 2022 so I can see the future tasks or scroll back to the past tasks.

    However if I have no tasks in 2022, it will still open to January 2022 since all the other tasks are in the past and hopefully completed.

    But, if you put all your tasks in 2023, then the Report Widget will start in January, 2023 since there's nothing in the past.

    What are the dates of the tasks that are included in the gantt chart? The gantt display depends on a number of factors: the View you have set up (ex. Year / Month), then the placement of your task dates (all in the past, mixed past and future, all in the future).

    There currently isn't a way to set a specific date as the opener month or year in a Report Widget, please let the Product team know of your feedback by filling in this form, here!

