User Management - Pro account



I am new to the Smartsheet Comunity. I would like to have a better understanding of the limitations of our PRO account with regards to sharing of workspaces and sheets. After creating a workspace and sharing some of it's content, I keep receiving messages such as ' This sheet has been shared with your plan's limit of 10 collaborators per item' I would like some clarity on what a collaborator represents? I was under the impression that you can share a work sheet with anyone in or out of an organization with 'view rights and comment rights'?

Are Commenters and Viewers also considered Collaborators? Under Sheet sharing details, it does appear the sheet was shared with 12 of my collaborators Vs. the 10 limit item. How will I know who will not have access?




  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Elio S.,

    You can review the current Pro plan limitations here. To summarize, Pro plans are restricted to sharing items with a maximum of 10 users. If you find the behavior you experience (you're able to share with more than 10 users) doesn't align with what's on the article, you may want to open a ticket using this form so that our Support team can advise accordingly.

    I hope this can be of help and I wish you a Happy New Year!



  • Elio S.

    Thank you Julio. So if I understand correctly, anytime I share a sheet and receive a msg from a user which states' Please add me as a licensed user to the Hello Network Smartsheet account', i can add up to a max of 10 users?

    Thanks again and Happy New Year to you!



  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Elio S.

    So you would have the ability to share each sheet with a maximum of 10 users (by clicking on the Share button).

    However, the message you seem to refer to (' Please add me as a licensed user to the Hello Network Smartsheet account') seems more related to users requesting to be added to your plan. You can check your license allocation and use by referring to your profile picture in the app and selecting "Account Admin":

    In Pro plans, a license is required for any user wanting to edit the sheet but if they only need to view that sheet, they wouldn't need to be added as licensed users. If you'd need to add licenses to your plan, please have a look at this article.

    I hope this can clarify.

