Producing automated reports with select info for weekly sendouts



I am trying to prepare reports that show certain information (eg, here are all the things that have happened in the last week/month/are coming up etc).

If I do it as an automation in smartsheet, I cant seem to link certain columns without a linking the whole sheet (which contains sensitive information).

In reports, the only way I can see is to send as a PDF rather than something that can be just read on screen.

Dashboard see above. I will have a dashboard linked to the email, for more detailed info, but how do I sort an automated email that can be distributed without linking all the sheet and data?

Many thanks!



Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Global Engagement

    I would suggest still using the automation from the source sheet, selecting the option to include the sheet link and specific fields. See: Customize the content of your alerts and requests.

    Although the link to the sheet will be visible and clickable in the email, if any of your users click on it they won't be able to see the underlying data at all (unless you have specifically shared that email address to the sheet). Does that make sense, and will it work for you?


