Displaying original time estimated field through JIRA Connector


I am using the JIRA connector to get both original time estimated and remaining time estimated for user stories in my Epic. I get vastly different values when I compare what is displayed in SS and what is in JIRA. For example:

Record #1 - in SS

Original Time Estimated = 2400

Remaining Time Estimated = 2400

JIRA of same fields = 1 week

Does SS perform a certain calculation or conversion on these values obtained through the JIRA connector? If so, what is it?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    edited 03/02/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @Maria Gonzalez,

    Jira sends time information to Smartsheet in minutes and Smartsheet doesn't convert it. If you'd like to request the time formatting received from Jira to be converted in Smartsheet as desired, when you have a moment, please let our Product team know about your feedback by filling in this form, here. Thank you!

    I hope this can shed some light into the behaviour you see.




  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    edited 03/02/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @Maria Gonzalez,

    Jira sends time information to Smartsheet in minutes and Smartsheet doesn't convert it. If you'd like to request the time formatting received from Jira to be converted in Smartsheet as desired, when you have a moment, please let our Product team know about your feedback by filling in this form, here. Thank you!

    I hope this can shed some light into the behaviour you see.

