Does Data Mesh work with Contact Lists?

Amy Meekings
Amy Meekings ✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

I am trying to create a Data Mesh that updates the contacts in a column, but when I run the data mesh, it says there are no affected cells, which I know is incorrect. Just wondering if it works with Contact List column types?


  • Hi @Amy Meekings

    Yes, DataMesh can copy contents from one Contact column to another Contact column in a different sheet, matching the rows based on the Lookup Value.

    It sounds like perhaps your configuration is filtering out the rows to map. Would you be able to post a screen capture of your configuration and the two sheets, but block out sensitive data?



  • SusanMG
    SusanMG ✭✭
    edited 04/04/22

    I am having the exact same issue. I have a lookup table (the source) where I have everyone's email address and the next column is a contact list.

    The target sheet has a submitted by column (which is set to created by) and an employee name (which is a contact list). I am using a form and rather than having someone select who they are, I want to use the submitted by and then store the contact list from the source because I don't want reports to be using the email address of submitted by. I don't have any filters on and it just won't update the contact list name in the target sheet.

    Also, once I changed the target employee name from a contact list and just coded a vlookup the old fashioned way, that calculates fine.

  • Hi @SusanMG

    DataShuttle should be able to match an email address across two sheets and bring in a Contact Value. Could there be an issue with the workflow configuration? Are other columns updating, just not the Contact column?

    That said, if you're able to do this with a VLOOKUP or INDEX(MATCH formula it sounds like that would be a good way to proceed.

