Automations for notifications sometimes stop working

I have multiple sheets that get moved from one workspace to another. My boss and I are the only ones that do it. I am an owner and she is an admin.

We have an automation that sends out a notification to her and I when the sheets are placed in a designated workspace. Sometimes the automation stops working and sometimes it's fine. Is this an issue with roles?

Thank you,



  • Hi @Chelsea Duncan

    Would you be able to post screen captures of your workflow set-up?

    If you're both shared to all of the sheets that have a notification workflow, your level of sheet sharing permissions should not affect whether or not you receive a notification. However it could be that the workflow isn't reading a cause for its trigger. For example, if you're using the Sheet Sharing workflow, this will only be triggered in the new workspace if the sharing permissions are different between your two workspaces:

