Can I submit multiple dates in a form for one event?

edited 10/27/23 in Formulas and Functions

I am trying to build a social media content calendar. We have our posting schedule laid out at regular intervals prior to the event. For example, if an event takes place on March 17th then we would have a post going out on March 10th, a reminder going our the 16th, and another post the day of the event. I am using Smartsheet forms to build and populate this calendar. Is there a way I can do one form submission that contains multiple dates and multiple titles so the form can populate the posting schedule all at once?

Currently, I am submitting a form for each row. So in my example above I would need to do 3 individual form submissions to complete the calendar. Is there a way I can build a form to do just one form submission to populate multiple actions on the calendar?


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