Creating a Rule to Automically Hide Rows


Is it possible to create a Rule, Conditional Formatting, or Workflow where when you check off a Box on the sheet it then hides that row?

If not, can I request this feature from SmartSheet?

Thank you

Best Answer

  • SBell
    SBell ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Cesar

    There isn't an automation to hide in the sheet, and rows themselves cannot be hidden. Depending on who you want to hide them from, or why, your best bet would be to use a report off the sheet.

    Add a helper column to the sheet (e.g. Hide Row), make it a checkbox. You could then either manually check the rows you want hidden OR create an automation to set the value to checked on a specific condition - like the reason you want it hidden

    Create a report with the columns you want and set a filter to include rows where Hide Row value is Not Checked.

    I've used this (and variations of it) in the past and works well as I never have users editing directly in the master sheet, they have have report views to see/update the content.



  • SBell
    SBell ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Cesar

    There isn't an automation to hide in the sheet, and rows themselves cannot be hidden. Depending on who you want to hide them from, or why, your best bet would be to use a report off the sheet.

    Add a helper column to the sheet (e.g. Hide Row), make it a checkbox. You could then either manually check the rows you want hidden OR create an automation to set the value to checked on a specific condition - like the reason you want it hidden

    Create a report with the columns you want and set a filter to include rows where Hide Row value is Not Checked.

    I've used this (and variations of it) in the past and works well as I never have users editing directly in the master sheet, they have have report views to see/update the content.


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