Report not letting me input data

I have created a report however i cannot seem to edit any of the data in the report sheet, they are not locked columns and are made so people can free type in one of the columns and in the other column they can choose from a dropdown menu...

these work on the base sheet however I cannot input or choose anything on the report??

help please 🙏

Thank you 😀

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Stacy Meadows

    If, when you're selecting columns for the Report, it's showing 2 options for you to select (either Sheet 1 or Sheet 2) then this indicates that the Report is seeing them as separate columns. Either the names are slightly different or the types are different in your two sheets (ex. a Multi Select column and a Single Select column will be seen differently).

    Here are some images that may help.

    In this example, you can see I have a Text/Number column on my two sheets called "This Column". Because it's the same type of column with the same name, when I hover over it I'm told it appears on both sheets:

    However, look above in this list. I have a column titled "Dropdown" in both Sheet 1 and 2, but it appears twice in the list, even though it has the same name.

    That's because on Sheet 1 it's Single Select:

    And on Sheet 2 it's Multi Select:

    Now, if I select just one of those columns, I can only add data back to the sheet it came from. If I select both of those columns, they will appear separately in the Report.

    I have highlighted cells in the source sheets so you can see which ones are linked. Notice that the first Dropdown column is only associated with Sheet 2, and the second dropdown column is only associated with Sheet 1.

    This means if I try to enter data from Sheet 2's Multi Select dropdown column into a row that exists on Sheet 1, I'll see a Grey Cell and I can't edit it:

    This is because that cell doesn't exist in Sheet 1. There is no Multi Select column in Sheet 1 at all. I would need to edit the yellow cell, the Single select dropdown in order to add data to Sheet 1.

    Each row is only associated with one sheet at a time. You cannot enter data on to a row that has come from Sheet 1 and have that send over to Sheet 2, you would need to edit Sheet 2's row. Does that help clarify?

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  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    In the base sheet do you have at least editor access? Double check that.

    Another question; are there formulas in the base sheet in the columns you are trying to edit? If there are formulas you would not be able to edit from a report either (column formula or regular formula).

  • I own all the sheets and reports...

    There is no formulas in the columns I am trying to edit ....

    I can now edit the report but it doesn't pull the data through to the base data sheet from the report...

    It has 2 sheets linked to the report this seems to be causing the problem but then why would that be a report option?? I need both sheets linked to do with the filters...

    any help is much appreciated :)

  • Hi @Stacy Meadows

    Is it possible that your column names are different between sheets? If this is the case, you won't be able to input values into cells that don't exist on one of the underlying sheets.

    For example, say you have a column called "Status" in Sheet A and a column called "Select Status" in Sheet B.

    In your Report, these would be selected as 2 separate columns. This means if you only chose to show "Status" in your Report, then any rows that come from Sheet B will be greyed out. You can't input data there because there is no column called "Status". Does that make sense?

    Let me know if this is the issue or not! If not, it would be helpful to see screen captures, but please block out sensitive data.



    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Unfortunately that is not the issue both sheets have 2 columns with exact same name that I want to edit in a report that will feedback to the sheets...

    Zero Spend Reason (Dropdown select column) & BDM Resolution (freetype column)

    I have now only fed one sheet INTO REPORT and used a vlookup to pull information from the one sheet to 2nd sheet.... This is only a temp solution...

    I have a filter on it and wondering if this is causing the issue ... the filter is to pull accounts with jan 22, feb 22, march 22, with £0 from sheet 1

    when I add the zero spend & BDM Resolution column it gives me 2 options to select from sheet 1 or 2...

    -If I choose these from sheet 1 it lets me input, and feeds to sheet 1 not 2

    -If I choose sheet 2 it does not let me do anything on the report anywhere and then in turn doesn't feed to anywhere as nothing to feed as I cannot edit

    Problem is I need the filtered information from sheet 1 and the zero spend reason & BDM Resolution to feed to either both sheets or sheet 2

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Stacy Meadows

    If, when you're selecting columns for the Report, it's showing 2 options for you to select (either Sheet 1 or Sheet 2) then this indicates that the Report is seeing them as separate columns. Either the names are slightly different or the types are different in your two sheets (ex. a Multi Select column and a Single Select column will be seen differently).

    Here are some images that may help.

    In this example, you can see I have a Text/Number column on my two sheets called "This Column". Because it's the same type of column with the same name, when I hover over it I'm told it appears on both sheets:

    However, look above in this list. I have a column titled "Dropdown" in both Sheet 1 and 2, but it appears twice in the list, even though it has the same name.

    That's because on Sheet 1 it's Single Select:

    And on Sheet 2 it's Multi Select:

    Now, if I select just one of those columns, I can only add data back to the sheet it came from. If I select both of those columns, they will appear separately in the Report.

    I have highlighted cells in the source sheets so you can see which ones are linked. Notice that the first Dropdown column is only associated with Sheet 2, and the second dropdown column is only associated with Sheet 1.

    This means if I try to enter data from Sheet 2's Multi Select dropdown column into a row that exists on Sheet 1, I'll see a Grey Cell and I can't edit it:

    This is because that cell doesn't exist in Sheet 1. There is no Multi Select column in Sheet 1 at all. I would need to edit the yellow cell, the Single select dropdown in order to add data to Sheet 1.

    Each row is only associated with one sheet at a time. You cannot enter data on to a row that has come from Sheet 1 and have that send over to Sheet 2, you would need to edit Sheet 2's row. Does that help clarify?

    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now