Report/Sheet Syncing

Hi! I have multiple project plan sheets that have a "Health Status" column (equation below) and used Reports to pull information from those Sheets into one place. It's set-up as a column formula in the sheets.

A team member notified me that the health status of items in the Report didn't make sense. For example, the health status for an item in the Report that was past due was yellow instead of red. When I clicked on the link within the Sheet Name column in the Report to investigate, the Sheet color was red (not yellow) and the cell history says that I changed it to yellow on 5/10/22 and then to red on 5/13/22. When I clicked on the link within the Sheet Name column in the Report for other health status items that were not making sense, the same thing happened. Now it appears that the Report is accurate (see image).

What could have caused this? The person using the Report wants to ensure the health status data is reliable. I don't believe the issue is the equation and I'm not sure what to tell this person regarding why the health status column data was off. The only thing I could think of is that no one has opened the sheet since May 10.

Equation: =IFERROR((IF(OR(Start@row = "", [% Complete]@row = "N/A"), "Gray", IF(OR([% Complete]@row = 1, Finish@row > TODAY(+[Task Duration Health Workdays]#)), "Green", IF(OR(Finish@row < TODAY(), AND([% Complete]@row <= 0.25, NETWORKDAY(TODAY(), Finish@row) <= (0.5 * Duration@row))), "Red", IF(OR(NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), Finish@row) < [Task Duration Health Workdays]#, AND([% Complete]@row <= 0.5, NETWORKDAY(TODAY(), Finish@row) <= (0.5 * Duration@row))), "Yellow", "Green"))))), "")

Gray: Start date is blank OR % complete is N/A; Yellow: Less than 50% is completed at or past the halfway point OR the finish date is less than 5 days in the future; Red: Less than 25% is completed at or past the halfway point OR the finish date is before today; Green: 100% is completed OR the finish date is greater than 5 days in the future OR if none of the criteria above is met
