Automation to updates all with same name in the primary column?

Kimbh ✭✭✭✭

Hi, I primary columns with customer ID's. I have date columns I put today's day in when I have contacted that client.

What I need is, when I put a date in the date in the column, is to have all the customer with the same ID in the primary column to have the date column also fill. Or a help column auto fill with a text or a symbol auto fill.

I don't want to have to search up all the same customer ID and put in a date or something to let me know they have been contacted.

Any advice on how to do this.

Thank you



  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 05/18/22

    Hi @Kimbh

    I think your idea of a Symbol column could work well!

    For example, if you had a symbol column with the green checkmark circle, you could write an IF statement that says that IF the COUNT of rows that have this same customer name and a Date in the date column is greater than 1 (so at least one row has a date for that customer), return the green checkmark.

    Try something like this:

    =IF(COUNTIFS([Primary Column]:[Primary Column], [Primary Column]@row, Date:Date, <> "") > 0, "yes")

    See: COUNTIFS Function / Use column formulas to apply calculations to all rows in a sheet

    Let me know if this makes sense and will work for you.



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  • Kimbh
    Kimbh ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, I get how that works

  • Kimbh
    Kimbh ✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P.

    I could really use some help. I have set this up so when the Notif box is checked then today's date is put in the box. =IF(Notif@row = 1, TODAY())

    I'm trying to get so all matching Customer ID auto have the box check.

    =IF(COUNTIFS([Customer Id]:[Customer Id], [Customer Id]@row, Notif:Notif <>"") > 0, YES"))

    =IF(COUNTIFS([Customer Id]:[Customer Id], [Customer Id]@row, Notif:Notif <>"") > 0, true"))

    Thank you so much


  • Hi @Kimbh

    You're very close! This looks like it should work, except you have an extra one of these ) at the end of your formula.

    You'll also want to make sure "Yes" is in full quotes.


    =IF(COUNTIFS([Customer Id]:[Customer Id], [Customer Id]@row, Notif:Notif <>"") > 0, "YES")



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  • Kimbh
    Kimbh ✭✭✭✭

    THANK YOU!! I simple could not see what I missed.

  • No problem at all! Happy to be an extra set of eyes 👀

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