Smartsheet Action Item to Jira?


We are looking for a solution that will allow us to create an item in Jira from a Smartsheet. Each of our projects have an associated Action Log. When an Action is created for specific resources, we would like a workflow to automatically send that Action to create an issue in Jira.

Is this possible with the Jira Connector?

Best Answer

  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    edited 06/20/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @Susan Morash,

    Each Workflow in the Jira Connector can only be connected to a single sheet in Smartsheet and Jira Project. Therefore, you may want to either have a Master sheet connected with Jira that centralizes all actions that will eventually create items in Jira or else you'd need to create as many workflows as sheets you would like to connect with the Jira project. Please see this article for further information on how to create Workflows in the Jira Connector.




  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Susan Morash,

    The Jira Connector will allow you to create new Issues in Jira as required. You may obtain more information about how to do this in this article. Note that you can add filters to your Jira Workflow to fully control which specific rows in Smartsheet will create new Issues in Jira without the need to map those columns used in filters to existing Jira fields (in your example, you may filter which rows will create new issues based on the Action Log type and specific resource for instance).

    Important things to note for your workflow to be successful in what you are trying to achieve are to always have a blank "Issue Key" column in your sheet (this will be automatically populated by the connector once the issue is created) as well as including "Issue Type" and "Summary" columns in it since these fields are required.

    I hope this can offer some guidance on some of the functionality available with the Jira Connector.



  • This is great thanks Julio.

    Another question for you. Can the Connector be setup from multiple Smartsheets? Each of our Smartsheet projects has an Action Log, can each Action Log invoke the Connector or do we need one Smartsheet only that will call the Connector?

  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    edited 06/20/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @Susan Morash,

    Each Workflow in the Jira Connector can only be connected to a single sheet in Smartsheet and Jira Project. Therefore, you may want to either have a Master sheet connected with Jira that centralizes all actions that will eventually create items in Jira or else you'd need to create as many workflows as sheets you would like to connect with the Jira project. Please see this article for further information on how to create Workflows in the Jira Connector.

